Brasied Beef Sausage Braised Beef Sausage

Braised beef and sausage pithivier with honey-glazed carrots

Tender braised beefiness and juicy sausages encased in aureate puff pastry, this pie looks and tastes sensational. Best served with creamed mashed potatoes and sweetness dear-glazed Chanterelle carrots.

For the beefiness and vegetable mix

  • olive oil, for frying
  • 500 g Irish stewing beef, cut into large chunks
  • 50 m seasoned flour
  • ii tbsp tomato purée
  • i garlic clove, crushed
  • one large onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 100 ml crimson vino
  • 500 ml stout
  • 1 fresh thyme sprig
  • ii bay leaves
  • 2 tbsp HP brown sauce
  • 400 grand can plum tomatoes

For the pithivier

  • 675 1000 reserved cooked beefiness and vegetable mix
  • 675 g beef sausages, removed from their skins
  • 450 1000 rough puff pastry, thawed if frozen
  • a little plain flour, to dust
  • 2 egg yolks
  • sea salt and freshly-ground blackness pepper

To serve

  • creamed mashed potatoes
  • honey-glazed Chanterelle carrots

For the beef and vegetable mix

  • olive oil, for frying
  • 500 g Irish stewing beef, cut into large chunks
  • fifty yard seasoned flour
  • 2 tbsp tomato purée
  • i garlic clove, crushed
  • 1 big onion, chopped
  • 2 carrots, chopped
  • 100 ml cherry-red vino
  • 500 ml stout
  • i fresh thyme sprig
  • 2 bay leaves
  • two tbsp HP brownish sauce
  • 400 g tin plum tomatoes

For the pithivier

  • 675 g reserved cooked beef and vegetable mix
  • 675 g beef sausages, removed from their skins
  • 450 one thousand crude puff pastry, thawed if frozen
  • a little plain flour, to dust
  • 2 egg yolks
  • sea common salt and freshly-footing black pepper

To serve

  • creamed mashed potatoes
  • honey-glazed Chanterelle carrots

Step 1

Preheat the oven to 160°C/325°F/Gas Marker iii. Heat a heavy-based casserole dish with a hat over a medium oestrus. Add together a couple of tablespoons of oil, so lightly grit the beef in the seasoned flour and add together a batch to the heated oil. Quickly sear until golden brown on all sides, turning regularly with tongs. Transfer to a plate while you keep to cook the remainder. Add the tomato purée and garlic to the terminal batch of beef, stirring to coat, and so transfer to a plate until needed.

Step 2

Once y'all've cooked all of the beef, add together a footling more oil to the casserole dish and then sauté the onions and carrots for a couple of minutes. Pour in the vino, scraping the bottom of the dish with a wooden spoon to remove any sediment. Stir in the stout and add the thyme, bay leaves, dark-brown sauce and canned tomatoes. Return the seared beef and any meat juices, and so season to sense of taste and identify in the oven for 3 hours (or until meltingly tender but however holding its shape) stirring occasionally. Remove from the rut and get out to cool a petty.

Step three

Drain the meat through a colander fix over a large bowl to catch all the liquid. Remove the beef and vegetable mix, which should now be quite dense and discard the herbs. If necessary reduce the cooking juices in a clean pan to a gravy consistency and then prepare bated until needed.

Step iv

Mix the beefiness and vegetable mixture with the sausagemeat until well combined. Roll out one-half of the rough puff pastry on a lightly floured lath to a circle that is about 27 cm in diameter and place on a large non-stick baking sheet. Shape the beefiness and sausage mixture into a big dome shape about 23 cm in bore and six cm in the centre at its highest.

Pace 5

Roll out the remaining pastry on a lightly floured board and apply to comprehend the filling and base of operations, brushing the edges with egg yolk to secure. Using a small sharp pocketknife, brand a small slit on top of the pie then carefully make a pinwheel shape around the pie, gently twisting the knife as you draw it down the pastry rim to make an attractive pattern. Mark around the rim as well using the knife.

Step 6

Brush the pithivier all over with the egg yolk, being careful not to permit the egg yolk dribble downward the edges of the pastry or information technology volition preclude the pastry from puffing upwards and ascent. Ready aside to rest for 1 hour in the fridge (up to iv hours is fine).

Pace 7

When ready to cook the pithiver, preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark v. Place the beef pie in the oven for xx minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to¬†160¬?C/325¬?F/Gas Marking 3 and bake for another 40 minutes or until cooked through and gold brownish.

Step eight

Remove the beef pie from the oven and leave to residuum for at least 10 minutes to allow the juices to settle. Reheat the gravy, stirring occasionally. Cut the rested beef pie into slices and arrange on warmed plates with a quenelle of mashed potatoes, dearest-glazed carrots and a drizzle of the gravy.

Step ane

Preheat the oven to 160°C/325°F/Gas Mark three. Oestrus a heavy-based goulash dish with a lid over a medium rut. Add a couple of tablespoons of oil, then lightly grit the beef in the seasoned flour and add together a batch to the heated oil. Quickly sear until gilded brown on all sides, turning regularly with tongs. Transfer to a plate while you continue to cook the remainder. Add together the love apple purée and garlic to the last batch of beefiness, stirring to coat, and then transfer to a plate until needed.

Step 2

Once y'all've cooked all of the beef, add a little more than oil to the casserole dish and and then sauté the onions and carrots for a couple of minutes. Pour in the vino, scraping the bottom of the dish with a wooden spoon to remove any sediment. Stir in the stout and add the thyme, bay leaves, brownish sauce and canned tomatoes. Return the seared beef and any meat juices, then season to gustatory modality and place in the oven for three hours (or until meltingly tender simply even so holding its shape) stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and go out to cool a little.

Footstep iii

Drain the meat through a colander fix over a large bowl to catch all the liquid. Remove the beef and vegetable mix, which should at present exist quite dense and discard the herbs. If necessary reduce the cooking juices in a clean pan to a gravy consistency and so gear up bated until needed.

Step 4

Mix the beef and vegetable mixture with the sausagemeat until well combined. Ringlet out half of the rough puff pastry on a lightly floured lath to a circle that is about 27 cm in diameter and place on a large not-stick blistering sheet. Shape the beefiness and sausage mixture into a large dome shape about 23 cm in bore and 6 cm in the middle at its highest.

Step 5

Roll out the remaining pastry on a lightly floured board and utilize to cover the filling and base of operations, brushing the edges with egg yolk to secure. Using a minor sharp knife, make a pocket-size slit on pinnacle of the pie and so carefully brand a pinwheel shape around the pie, gently twisting the pocketknife every bit yous describe it down the pastry rim to brand an attractive blueprint. Mark around the rim as well using the knife.

Footstep vi

Castor the pithivier all over with the egg yolk, being careful not to allow the egg yolk distill downward the edges of the pastry or it will forbid the pastry from puffing up and rising. Set aside to rest for 1 hour in the fridge (up to 4 hours is fine).

Step 7

When prepare to cook the pithiver, preheat the oven to 190°C/375°F/Gas Mark five. Place the beef pie in the oven for 20 minutes, then reduce the oven temperature to¬†160¬?C/325¬?F/Gas Marking 3 and bake for some other 40 minutes or until cooked through and gilded brown.

Step eight

Remove the beef pie from the oven and leave to rest for at to the lowest degree x minutes to allow the juices to settle. Reheat the gravy, stirring occasionally. Cut the rested beef pie into slices and adjust on warmed plates with a quenelle of mashed potatoes, dearest-glazed carrots and a drizzle of the gravy.


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